Friday, December 2, 2016

India Visa Process - BEST GUIDE

The India Visa can be obtained pretty quickly for U.S. Citizens. It might be a protracted process with those of Pakistan descent.

I found a great guide that if followed exactly will help obtain one without much pain.

Also the Guide at Cox and King -

You start on the CKGS site and then it directs you to the India Onlilne System to fill in - You then come back to CKGS and finalize.

For an address in India I used a Hotel - I used Hilton even though was not going to stay there but I hear the Port Agent is fine also.

The most important thing I learned was -

1. Make sure your application is perfect. Any error will be returned and must be re-processed from the beginning.

2. Follow the guide exactly. It will tell you when they mean by many of the questions that seem odd to an American. It will point out some important items like. Do not let any portion of your signature go outside the signature block.

I obtained mine in 3 days and it is valid for 10 years.

You apply via Cox & Kings Global Services
To begin Click the Word Visa at the Top then choose Visa Application get Started - Once you fill in the State it will tell you which office you will be submitting your application to.

Visa for India - Research

While researching this trip, I found that it was mandatory that the passenger was required to obtain a Visa for the country of India.   All other Visa's will be obtained by the ship on a group basis.

Research -

Initially I started reading reports on TripAdvisor of how difficult it would be to receive the Visa.   It appears that the outsourced company used by the Indian Government for processing the U.S. Visa was very disorganized and very bureaucratic.   About a year ago a new company was selected and it seems like things are gong much better.

 Two sites I found were very helpful -   Both stress the forms must be filled out exactly as if you need to edit your application you have to go back an begin from scratch.  Ugh!  -  They have very detailed instructions as posted below.

PDF with instructions -

Important Instructions for Indian Visa Application Form

Technical Issues
  • The best web browser to use for the Indian Visa Application is Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8.0) and above.
  • If you face any issue related to security certificate with other browsers, you can INSTALL SECURITY CERTIFICATE by clicking the link on the Indian visa application form.
  • This application form is created and maintained by the Indian Government. Travisa is not able to access, retrieve, or edit any information submitted on this form, or to provide technical support for this form.
Indian Mission
  • It is extremely important that you choose the correct Indian Mission (Consulate) where you will apply. You are required to select the Embassy or Consulate that is assigned to process visas for the State or Provence where you reside. Please be sure to review Travisa’s Indian Consulate jurisdiction list at the bottom of our visa instruction page or complete Travisa’s Global Reservation Form before you fill out the application to direct you to the correct Indian Mission.
  • Indian Missions in the US are listed alphabetically under USA; (USA – Chicago).
Temporary Application ID
  • At the top of the online India Visa Application you will see a Temporary Application ID. Be sure to record and save the Application ID. If you exit the form without clicking “save and continue”, or if you do not keep the Application ID, your information will be lost. To return to an application already started, or to reprint an application that is completed, you can enter the Temporary Application ID at the top of the online Indian Visa Application Form.
Visa Validity
  • Indian Visas are generally issued for 6 months, 1 year (12 months), 5 years (60 months) or 10 years (120 months) depending on the citizenship of the applicant, type of visa and the fee paid. The Indian Visa Application form asks for the Duration of Visa (in Months). The number of months on the application form must be equal to the number of months that is an option available for the type of visa. The Indian Consulate has discretion to adjust the time up or down to the nearest validity option and charge full fees or to require a new application if the incorrect number of months is requested.

  • The applicant will be responsible to pay the fee for the visa validity determined by the Indian Consulate. We recommend completing the Global Reservation Form first, and making sure that the same number of months is selected on both forms.
Verify and Submit
  • After you have answered all of the questions, the final page will allow you to verify the details entered on the visa application form. Please review every question and answer on this page. If any corrections are needed, it will be possible to make changes on this page. However, once you hit continue it will NOT be possible to edit the form in any way. If a correction is needed after this point, it will be necessary to fill out a whole new application form.
  • Once you complete the visa application, please print the form. Do not make an appointment and payment at this time.
Verify and Submit
Print and Sign
  • Print the visa application on two pages. When printing the application, ensure the barcode is clearly printed at the bottom of first page of the application. There is a space for the applicant signature underneath the photo on the first page, and a signature near the bottom of the second page. Applications must be signed in both places.

How to fill out the Indian Visa Application Form:

Surname: Surname is the same as Family Name or Last Name. (The spelling must be exactly the same as the last name in the applicant’s passport)

Given Name: On the Indian Visa application Form, Given Name is the same as First Name and Middle Name; please type in the First Name and any Middle Name(s) here. (The name must be exactly as it is in the applicant’s passport)

For example, if John Edward Smith is the traveler:
      Surname: Smith
      Given Name: John Edward

Have you ever changed your name? If the applicant’s name is different from when they were born, click the “yes” box and enter the Surname/Last Name and Given Name/First and Middle Name(s) that were previously used.

Country of birth: Select the country where the applicant was born. This must match the information on the passport.

Email Address:
This information is required. Even though the online form allows this field to be skipped, some Consulates do in fact require your email address. Please enter an email address.

Citizenship/National Id No.:
If you do not have an additional National ID issued type NA

Religion: Select the religion of the applicant. If the applicant’s religion is not listed, select “OTHERS” and type in the religious information in the field directly below the pull down menu.

Visible identification marks: If the applicant has a visible identification mark (such as birthmark or tattoo) please type in the information here. Otherwise, type “NONE”.

Educational Qualification: Select the level of education of the applicant:
  • BELOW MATRICULATION – less than 10th grade education
  • GRADUATE – College or university education
  • HIGHER SECONDARY – High school education
  • ILLITERATE – Not formally educated
  • MATRICULATION – 10th grade level education
  • POST GRADUATE – advanced study beyond college or university (MA, PhD, etc.)
  • PROFESSIONAL – professional /technical training or certification
Did you acquire citizenship by birth or by naturalization?
  • By Birth – choose this if the applicant has held their current citizenship since they were born.
  •  Naturalization – choose this if the applicant became a citizen through naturalization.
Previous Nationality: If the applicant became a citizen by naturalization, please select their previous nationality.
Passport Details Section
Passport details can be found on the information/photo pages of the applicant’s passport. All information entered on the application must be exactly as it appears on the passport.

Place of Issue: Enter the place of issue that is on the applicant’s passport. For US citizens, this may say “US Department of State”

Date of Expiry: This is the date the passport will expire. Be sure to enter the information in DD/MM/YYYY format on the Indian Visa Application Form.
  • The Indian government requires that a passport must be valid for at least six months in order to process the application.
  •  Travisa recommends that the passport should be valid for at least six months beyond the date of departure from India. If the passport will expire within one year, Travisa can assist with renewing a US or British passport).

Pakistani Passport Holders will also be asked to provide: Booklet No., Tracking No., Previous Passport No. (This does not apply to any other applicants).

Any other valid Passport/Identity Certificate(IC) held:
  • If the applicant holds a US greencard or Permanent Resident Card for any country, select “Yes” and provide details.
When all of the required fields on page 1 are complete, select “Save and Continue” or “Save and Exit”. Be sure that you have written down the Application ID number.
Applicant's Address Details
Note: the present (current) address is extremely important. The address must be within the jurisdiction of the Indian Mission (Indian Embassy or Consulate) where the application will be processed. If you are not sure that you selected the correct Indian Mission, please review the jurisdiction information on Travisa’s Indian Visa Instructions or complete Travisa’s Global Reservation Form, which will direct you to the city where you will be required to apply.

Present Address
  • Important: the applicant will need to provide proof that this is the current residential address. Proof includes a photocopy of state issued ID (Driver License or ID), major utility bill (Water, Gas, Electric, Sewage) or a copy of a valid/current lease. The address on these documents must be entered as the present address.
  • The present address on the visa application form must match the applicant’s proof of residence. A maximum of 35 letters will fit in this space.
Permanent Address 
  • If the Permanent Address is the same as what is entered for Present Address, click the box.
  • If the Permanent Address is different, type in the permanent address including postal/zip code. Reminder: if the Present Address (where the applicant currently lives) and the Permanent Address are different, the Present Address must be the one that matches the proof of residence documents.
  • Important for non-US citizens: the permanent address must be an address in your home country (country where you are a citizen). A relative's address may be used if you no longer maintain an address in this country.
Family Details Section
It is required to provide the applicant’s father/mother/spouse’s information, (if applicable).
All information relating to father, mother must be completed even if they are deceased. Information regarding father, mother, and spouse must be complete.

Were your Grandfather/ Grandmother (paternal/maternal) Pakistan Nationals or Belong to Pakistan held area? If the answer is yes for any of the applicant’s grandparent’s, enter the details. The answer is defaulted to yes. If the answer to this question is no, be sure to select NO.
 Profession / Occupation Details of Applicant
Present Occupation
  • Select the occupation that best matches your current job.
  • If the applicant is a Housewife, Student or Minor, enter the spouse’s or father's occupation details.
Employer Name/business: Enter the name of the company/employer of the applicant.

Designation: Enter the type of position (such as Manager, Consultant).

Address: Enter the street address for the company/employer.

Phone: Enter the phone number for the company/employer.

Past Occupation: Select a previous occupation if this is relevant to the applicant.

Are/were you in a Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization? If the answer is “Yes” for the applicant, provide the Organization, Designation, Rank, and Post. Otherwise, select “No”.
When all of the required fields on page 2 are complete, select “Save and Continue” or “Save and Exit”. *Be sure that you have written down the Application ID number.
Details of Visa Sought
Type of visa:  Select the type of Indian Visa needed. 
  • Important: selecting the correct type of visa is very important.  The Indian Embassy or Consulate will review the application very carefully and if the visa application is not for the correct type of visa based on the activities planned in India, this will delay the process or require a new Indian visa application to be submitted
All applicants will need to provide the following information:
Duration of Visa (in Months)
  • Please note:  it is very important that the purpose of visit is appropriate for the type of visa requested. The application will be rejected otherwise.
    • 6 months
    • 12 months
    • 60 months (5 years)
    • 120 months (10 years)
No. of Entries:
Select single, double, triple, multiple, entries.
• Number of entries granted will be at the discretion of the Indian Consulate.

Purpose of Visit: Select the type of activities that will be conducted while in India.
• Please Note:

Expected Date journey: Provide the planned date of departure from the United States, Canada (or home country) use the DD/MM/YYYY format.

Port of Arrival in India: Enter the city where the applicant will first arrive in India.
Additional information needed, depending on the type of India visa required:
Indian Business Visa: Name, address, phone number and email of the Company in India.

Indian Business Visa Transfer: Details of the visa to be transferred and the passport from which it needs to be transferred.

Indian Conference Visa: Number of days the applicant will stay in India.

Indian Diplomatic Visa: Additional information or documentation may be requested by the Consulate on a case by case basis.

Indian Employment Visa: Professional Qualification of the applicant, Name and address of the company/employer in India, Designation/Post (position) the applicant will take in India and salary to be paid in India.

Indian Employment Visa Transfer: Details of the visa to be transferred and the passport from which it needs to be transferred.

Indian Entry Visa: Additional information or documentation may be requested by the Consulate on a case by case basis.

Indian Entry Visa Transfer: Details of the visa to be transferred and the passport from which it needs to be transferred.

Indian Journalist Visa: Additional information or documentation may be requested by the Consulate on a case by case basis.

Indian Medical Attendant Visa: Name and passport number of the patient.

Indian Transit Visa: What country the applicant will visit before or after transiting India, and if the traveler has a visa or residency status for that country.
Previous Visit Details  
Have you ever visited India before?  If the answer is “Yes” provide details of the previous visit including the address where the applicant stayed and the cities visited, as well as details of the previous Indian visa including the visa number and type of visa, where and when the previous visa was issued.    

Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused? If the applicant has applied for a visa or applied to extend their stay in India in the past and has been denied, the Mention Control No. and date this occurred must be provided. Otherwise this space should be left blank.
Other Information
Countries Visited in Last 10 years:  List all countries visited by the applicant in the last 10 years, separated by a comma.

Reference:  The name, address and phone number must be provided for a reference in India AND a reference in the United States or Canada.

When all of the required fields on page 3 are complete, select “Save and Continue” or “Save and Exit”. *Be sure that you have written down the Application ID number.

*Important: The next page will allow you to verify the details entered on the visa application form. Please review every question and answer on this page. If any corrections are needed, it will be possible to make changes on this page. However, once you hit continue it will NOT be possible to edit the form in any way. If a correction is needed after this point, it will be necessary to fill out a whole new application form.

If any corrections are needed select “Modify/Edit”.
Only after you are certain that everything on the application form, including the Indian Mission (where the application will be processed) and all of the detailed answers are correct, select “Verified and Continue”.
After the form is completed, verified and submitted, you will see a confirmation that includes the Applicant Name and File Number. The File Number is different from the Temporary Application ID. If you need to print another copy of this application, you must have the file number, not the temporary ID number. Be sure to write down the File Number.

The Indian Embassy or Consulate will not accept any application that has incorrect information. Handwritten corrections are not permitted. If the information on the application form needs to be corrected after the form has been printed, it will be necessary to complete a new online application.

Travisa Passport and Visa Service can process the Indian visa for you, if you are applying in the United States, Canada or in the United Kingdom.

Abu Dhabi to Rome Itinerary

Itinerary Abu Dhabi to Rome

Daily Itinerary

Date Port of Call Action Time Note
4/18/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/18/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/19/2017 MUSCAT, OMAN ARRIVAL 07:00 AM
4/19/2017 DEPARTURE 05:00 PM
4/20/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/20/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/21/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/21/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/22/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/22/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/23/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/23/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/24/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/24/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/25/2017 AQABA, JORDAN ARRIVAL 10:00 AM
4/25/2017 DEPARTURE 09:00 PM
4/26/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/26/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/27/2017 DEPARTURE 01:00 PM
4/28/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/28/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/29/2017 DEPARTURE 06:00 PM
4/30/2017 DEPARTURE 06:00 PM
5/1/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
5/1/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
Special Notes

Singapore to Abu Dhabi Itinerary

Following will be the Itinerary for our Cruise

Singapore to Abu Dhabi

Daily Itinerary
Date Port of Call Action Time Note
4/3/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/3/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/4/2017 DEPARTURE 05:00 PM
4/5/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/5/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/6/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/6/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/7/2017 DEPARTURE 07:00 PM
4/8/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/8/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/9/2017 DEPARTURE 05:00 PM
4/10/2017 DEPARTURE 05:00 PM
4/11/2017 DEPARTURE 06:00 PM
4/12/2017 DEPARTURE 09:00 PM
4/13/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/13/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/14/2017 AT SEA ARRIVAL 00:00 AM
4/14/2017 DEPARTURE 00:00 AM
4/15/2017 MUSCAT, OMAN ARRIVAL 07:00 AM
4/15/2017 DEPARTURE 05:00 PM
4/16/2017 DEPARTURE 10:00 PM

Booking Early

We booked this cruise 2 years ago.   At the time of booking the only available true suite was a Royal Suite on the Singapore to Abu Dhabi leg so I booked it.   We chose a Celebrity Suite for the second leg of our journey.  

The first leg Singapore to Abu Dhabi has been a very popular cruise and the prices have almost doubled in the past two years.   We are very happy with out decision to book the Royal Suite so early.   The second leg has not sold well and there have been numerous price reductions.   We were able to upgrade to a Royal Suite for a lower cost than our original booking.    We were also rewarded by being able to obtain the same suite for both legs of our journey.

Credit to Cruise Deck Plans  This is a great site to compare different ships and staterooms.

This is a published list of the Features and Highlights the Royal Suite

Features and Highlights
• Personal butler service 24/7 for assistance with unpacking, in-suite lunch and dinner, espresso and cappuccino

• Dedicated private restaurant, Luminae, reserved exclusively for all Suite Class guests

• Access to the exclusive lounge, Michael's Club

• Priority check-in at boarding & early debarkation

• Unlimited dining in all specialty restaurants including lunch, dinner, and one Champagne High Tea

• Complimentary Premium Beverage Package for all guests in suite.

• Complimentary unlimited Internet access

• Stateroom setup of one bottle of vodka and one bottle of scotch or gin with mixers, a choice of spirits and wine)

• Reserved theatre seating on Evening Chic nights

• Luxury bath amenities & plush robes

• Premium Reverie® Dream Sleep System™ customizable mattresses

• Celebrity eXhale™ bedding, pillow menu, plush duvets and pure cotton linens

• Private veranda with whirlpool and lounge seating

• Marble master bath with whirlpool tub and separate shower

• Fresh flowers

• Welcome bottle of Perrier-Jouët

• Complimentary laundry service twice per cruise

• Daily Delectables rotation of savory and sweet snacks


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Planning for First B2B (Back to Back)

Iain will be retiring in approximately 3 1/2 months and is really looking forward to it.   I have been retired for about 2 years but have recently taken on a consulting contract so will be working some in the ensuing months.   

Retirement will allow us to take our first B2B.   For those that are not ardent cruisers, a B2B is taking two cruises on the same ship one after the other. 

Our first leg of  B2B will be from Singapore to Abu Dhabi followed by a cruise from Abu Dhabi to Rome.  

We will be sailing on The Celebrity Constellation.


Cruising the World

Please join us as I begin blogging about our travels around the world.  

Iain and I have been together for 27 years and started cruising in 2001.   While I frequently post on Cruise Critics  this will be my first blog.   I am sure it will take me awhile to figure out all the features of blogging. 

A little background on our cruising history.   We have sailed 19 times exclusively on Celebrity Cruise Lines.   We liked the product and have never found a reason to switch cruise lines.   Maybe we will venture out in the future as Iain is interested in taking a River Cruise.

Following is out cruise history:

Celebrity Silhouette - TransAtlantic 11/5/16
Celebrity Reflections - TransAtlantic 10/23/15
Celebrity Equinox - Caribbean 11/21/2014
Celebrity Millennium - Hawaii to Sydney 11/2/2013
Celebrity Millennium - Hawaii 10/22/2012
Celebrity Constellation - TransAtlantic 11/20/2011
Celebrity Eclipse - TransAtlantic 10/31/2010
Celebrity Equinox - TransAtlantic 11/5/2009
Celebrity Constellation - TransAtlantic 9/09/2008
Celebrity Summit - Caribbean 2/16/2008
Celebrity Millennium - TransAtlantic 12/02/2007
Celebrity Constellation - W. Caribbean 2/19/2007
Celebrity Infinity - Ultimate Alaska 5/2006
Celebrity Constellation - Transatlantic 9/2005
Celebrity Millennium - E. Caribbean 11/2004
Celebrity Mercury - Alaska 05/2004
Celebrity Millennium - E. Caribbean 11/2003
Celebrity Millennium - E. Caribbean 11/2002
Celebrity Millennium - E. Caribbean 11/2001

Please feel free to ask questions and I will try to get back to you as best I can.  

Bergen, Norway - Day 6 - City Surroundings by Land and Sea

    Overview Enjoy Bergen by land and sea on this guided journey to some of Bergen's most spectacular scenic and historical sites. Ber...